Wednesday, April 15, 2015

About the fight in Dark Nexus Arena –

Developers MOBA Warhammer 40.000: Dark Nexus Arena posted a new article , dedicated to the combat system in the game . And found out this information:

– In the Dark Nexus Arena quite a lot of attention is paid to skillshotam. Playing for a character who is a ranged fighter, you have to consider the fact that it is necessary sometimes to reload your weapon.

 - All characters in the game are able to dodge enemy abilities / attacks.

 - There is no auto-attack and automatic aiming your attacks on the target. That is, you have seen the enemy, aim at him, pressed the attack.

 - The men ranged attacks do not cause instant. We cartridges have their own flight speed (examples can be found in the second message).

 - It is necessary to consider where to move your opponent and shoot ahead of the curve.

 - When you are trying to dodge (dodge), your speed for a short period of time increases. But if you try to do dodge, when you hang some slowing debuff, then dodge the speed will decrease.

 - All basic attacks drawn animation of the future flight of the projectile / bullet, etc. Simply put, you’ll know where the bullet will fly (and be able to dodge).

 - Playing for the ranged DPS, you can not shoot, and then immediately effective use of dodge, because in that moment, when you get a gun and shoots at you a little debuff is applied to the speed. Therefore, the melee will have a chance to run to the ranged DPS and cripple it.

 - You do not have to get new weapons after each shot / attack.

 - If you reload, you can not use basic attacks (and you also slow). During recharge will occur under the special character animation (circle next to the character will change).

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