Thursday, May 7, 2015

The concept of the new Nexus 5 – a smartphone we waiting for? – RosInvest.Com

Четверг, 7 мая 2015 г.

What do we know about the smartphone Nexus next generation? Virtually nothing. Some rumors say that it will be occupied by Huawei, others argue that the company is preparing to repeat the success of LG Nexus 5. By the way, it all comes down to the fact that the smartphone will again be called Nexus 5. At least the likelihood that it will be called Nexus 7 small. We know little, though the smartphone is on its way and should be out in 2015. If we do not know how it will look – it’s time to come up.

Designer Miqdad Halim invented and published its creation in Google+. By creating a concept, he pushed off from what we already know, and from some logical solution. It is possible that at the Google I / O show us something completely different, but it will not mean that the concept is bad. Some of the ideas of the designer took infomercial Google Fi, which flashed a smartphone like no one of the current generation of Nexus.

Nexus 5 has been incredibly successful product, and the Nexus 6, as far as we know, was unable to repeat this success . Perhaps the thing of value, that is why it is believed that Huawei and Google together can create an affordable and at the same time, a quality product. If it were to happen, would you like to see the new Nexus the way it sees Miqdad Halim?

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