Today, I want to describe your experience of owning a smartphone by LG – Nexus 5. I bought it a year ago to replace his old one iPhone 4S, which has already become annoying sometimes (c permanent departures from the application, ending with a dead battery). The main criteria for selection were a relatively small screen size, appearance, good filling, stable operating system upgrade, a small price. Within one month I was studying information on modern devices and eventually made its choice in favor of LG. I bought 5 of Nexus pretty tasty price – 15 990 p. (remember that it was in August 2014, and about any price increase if the speech did not go). General impressions of the device in the early days developed only positive – appearance, speed – all this speaks in favor of the device. However, the shortcomings did not take long and soon climbed to the surface.
1. Battery discharges quicker.
We all heard about the problem of the mass and being a reference smartphone Google, Nexus 5 is no exception to the rule, but rather confirmed them. I have enough battery for 6-7 hours of standby and 2.3 hours of active use. Of course, it was a big problem, as always be near an outlet, I, for objective reasons, can not. To help me come again and thematic forums of public, where such issues are no longer a rarity. So, what can waste the battery of the smartphone?
a) Background Processes – social networking, auto-update programs, data synchronization, Startup (google photos, for example).
b) Low level mobile network – smartphone launches constantly searches for a network signal in the case of poor and thereby consumes a charge.
c) hovering in memory processes – so it was in android 4.xx, when the process chamber hung in the device memory and save battery power. The Lollipop problem to treat, but sometimes these topics has come up on the forums.
r) android operating system and other system services google.
As a solution to energy problems, many users install custom firmware, but for myself, I decided that the assembly of the craftsmen’s not for me. Using third-party software to increase the battery itself is rather strange practice, but there are a couple of really useful programs that I recommend to take note of the android users.
Greenify – an application that lulls working in the background of other applications, as a result the power consumption is really reduced. For users without root rights are not only available lulling system programs. Greenify at regular intervals polls running applications and, if after closing a program which re-launched, it will be immediately closed. From personal experience I would say – really works and saves battery.
SD maid pro – the second program, which forbids autostart applications, and cleans up space on your smartphone. Fundamental functions will not tell, good information on the Internet abound.
Google chrome.
Long gone are the days when our browser smartphone whenever possible hang or display a good half of the content, so those who want to live their phone until the evening, I urge to use the browser instead of the official social networking applications – the mobile version It has everything you need, it is unlikely you will be harmed in the functions.
P.S. I also listen to music through the browser – Yandex music is quite a suitable free service.
Turn off unnecessary processes.
you can safely turn off unneeded applications you need on your own – in this case it will not work until compulsory inclusion. However, once disabling Google+, I’ve got a lot of errors when trying to access a photo gallery of the smartphone, so use it at your own risk.
The use of WiFi networks instead of 3G; instead use 3G LTE; Use 2G instead of 3G – use the network when necessary, and in the absence of this very necessary to resort to a less energy-intensive alternatives. Here to explain, I think, nothing special.
With this little understood, we have gone further.
2. Slow performance when heating devices. Heavy Games Nexus 5 draws, but after a while the device begins to heat up significantly – because of that automatically reduces the CPU frequency and decreases performance, so we see the braking and small hang of the game. This is not a bug in the design – so intended by the manufacturer, so change the settings downconversion processor I highly do not recommend (even though many do). Despite the fact that such behavior is normal, I believe that mobile gaming enthusiasts can experience some frustration while using the gadget.
3. The sound on the recorded video.
If you want to record video on the Nexus 5, then be prepared for the fact that the sound quality is terrible – gurgling and places clips – as if you are under water. It is not clear the company’s response google on this problem – it is the place to be with a version android 4.xx – Why this issue is not solved, I understand and could not. To fix this bug there is a “crutch” that program-level bug fixes (audio bug fix). Currently the network has a version for android 4.xx and 5.xx, version M, very much hope that there will be as well.
4. Housing.
Immediately after buying, I clothed smartphone into a reliable cover, but even with this condition, after about 4-5 months on the body cracks: the side in the tray for the SIM card, next to the headphone jack, and next to the entrance charger. It’s a shame, because the appearance of the device is playing for me is not the last role. If you wear a gadget holster, then, as noted by users, are starting to fall off the letters on the back of the NEXUS devices and overwritten soft touch surface.
5. Unstable lock button.
More recently, users began to celebrate the unstable operation of the lock button device – in some cases as single press of a smartphone is regarded as a double, there was sticky buttons, the so-called boot loop – constant reboot the device without the possibility of entry into the system. The problem is massive, so most likely it is software, but because of what occurs and how is treated still not clear. Personally, I met her twice and each time thought that the smartphone have to pay for repairs. Strange but true – both times smartphone revived after a couple of hours of automatic reboots and continued to work as usual. Wait and see.
Despite the obvious shortcomings of the device, I plan to use it for as long as I do not become him a little, but it is still very long. The Nexus 5 has everything you need and that is very important – it is focused on the user. It is convenient to hold in your hand, do not be ashamed to get out of his pocket, he quickly and stably. Nexus 5 is considered to be the most popular and commercially successful smartphone powered by Google (LG). It is perfectly balanced price / quality ratio had a very high level, and even now, when he asked for 20 thousand rubles, he has not lost its relevance due to a pretty powerful stuffing.
A little bit about running android through the eyes of the company’s products by apple.
The transition from iOS to android was painless for me – for me all the necessary applications are multiplatform, and the phone book I’ve been already stored in your account google. Yes, at first not very familiar ecosystem android – you need to understand its logic and not pay attention to skeptical members iOS. Let’s be honest with each other – android convenient, stable, a beautiful (starting with version 5.0, the appearance of the system is given to a single style) – what do you need?
And most importantly – it does not matter what device you use – android, iOS or maybe nokia series 40, the main thing is to use the phone brings you some measure of joy.
PS If you have any questions, please write them in the comments, I’ll try to answer.
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