Nexus 9

Our smartphones and tablets are able to understand the thoughts only when we explain their voice or gestures . Some very clever attempt to catch any suggestions by the movements of his eyes, but it’s all too far from the technology proposed BrainGate. This division Stanford reads the thoughts of users with their brain and uses them to control the tablet Nexus 9 on Android.

To use the system requires implanted in the left part of the brain 100-channel electrode. This part of the brain responsible for movement. Then the user set the device to read the signals in the brain. Not everyone agrees to it, but the patient T9 – 50-year-old woman suffering from amyotrophic sclerosis, damaging neurons propulsion system for the first time used the Nexus 9 it with your own thoughts.

This is great for people who are not just to communicate with the outside world. They are aided eye tracking technology, but it is not sufficiently precise and fast and often gives users inconvenience. Development BrainGate has a great future. With it will be able to use modern devices and Android with its openness allows you to unleash their potential.

On materials Singularity HUB

The new development has enabled Nexus to manage 9 using ideas