Sunday, May 22, 2016

Current Nexus device will not receive a new feature seamless upgrade from Android N – ITBusiness Ukraine


Opportunity silent updates OS Chrome – one of the smartest features of the operating system, as it does behind the scenes to obtain the latest software updates. One day you just run your laptop, and suddenly, it uses the latest version.

But it turns out that such magic requires double partitions, which is a technical feat in the implementation of the current generation of smartphones. Regarding the latest devices Nexus, representatives of the the Google told the audience at the office team All Android in the I / O, that the feature background refresh will not be available for the current generation of devices . Nexus

<-! end A -> This means that it is likely that all currently available phones and tablets on the Android do not get this feature . Of course, it is technically possible to implement, but, according to the team’s Android phone that would require connection to a computer and sharing diskov.Te who have the technical knowledge, can do it, but it is above the level of the majority of smartphone users.

On the one hand, if you follow the latest versions Android , this will not be a major obstacle, but this new scheme of updates is an important tool against the fragmentation, because it will help to update the more phones and tablets in the last assembly Android .


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