Monday, May 30, 2016

The owners of the Nexus line of devices will have free, unlimited space in Google Photos – ProstoTECH

May 30, 2016, 08:07


Google Company is preparing a big surprise for people who decide to purchase promoted by the line of Nexus devices – says edition of the portal Android Police. According to the site, the owners of the equipment in this series will soon receive free, unlimited space at the data in the service of Google Photos. Interestingly, they can also be stored on the platform of photos and videos in the original resolution.
Google Photos announced during the May I / O conference in 2015. Service quickly attracted a lot of interest in the trade press and the time of its premiere brought together more than 200 million users, which is stored in it for about 13.7 petabytes of data. Meanwhile, much it indicates that Google services are inspired by the success of preparing a special bonus for people who use the platform and at the same time have any of the Nexus line of devices. In Photos 1.21 application code has information according to which these users will receive unlimited space for photos and video. All of these materials should be stored in its original resolution.

Unfortunately, we currently do not know when it is discussed in the text of the bonus will be available to users of devices of the Nexus series. Interested in the topic to people is what remains to be patient and wait for more information on the issue.

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