
Released the second Assembly 7.1.1 Android Developer Preview. Download the firmware file can be anyone, however, able to install only the owners of the following devices: Nexus 5X, 6P Nexus, Pixel C, and — drum roll please — the Nexus 9!

NPF26F — the build number for the Nexus 6P, 5X Nexus, and Nexus 9 (wifi and LTE), NPF26H — build for Pixel C. it is Impossible to say that the update brought any significant changes to the system, but innovations highlight new Emoji professions. Available to a wider range of occupations for men and women with a choice of colour.


this Update can be installed several ways. First, use the Android Beta Program “on the air”, and secondly, you can also manually install the factory image or OTA image zip file.

it is Worth noting that Google and Apple are now following the same path. As Apple and Google, in minor updates as major changes presented users with an updated Emoji.

of Course, even this concern is a good sign, but it is necessary to surprise with something big, isn’t it? However, it is possible that the second Assembly for developers hidden the more interesting changes is still unknown.


release date: November 2016
Build: NPF26F (Nexus 5X, 6P Nexus, Nexus 9), NPF26H (Pixel C)

the Factory image|OTA

7.1.1 Android Developer Preview available for download