Saturday, December 17, 2016

Manufacturer updated Nexus 5 smartphone Google Pixel M will be Sony

the Latest generation line of smartphones Nexus were among the worst in the series. This is not surprising because Google has saved literally everything from the plastic casing and ending with a rather weak technical equipment. Fortunately, this year Google has overstepped itself and introduced the world to two new smartphones – Pixel and Pixel XL. The new product has proved extremely successful, largely due to the unique appearance, the latest software and top hardware.

Thus, the Pixel line of smartphones now have a great future. One of the most striking of its representatives in 2017 will be the Google Pixel M. This device on most of their signs will remind LG Nexus 5, which to this day is the most popular “Google phone” all the time.

Google Pixel M SmartPhone

the Google Pixel M from the beginning will not be positioned as the flagship, which will affect its cost and hardware. As practice shows, the majority of buyers “for the eyes” even polyfragmented mobile devices because with all the daily challenges they cope perfectly well. The demand for Google Pixel M if the device will be really interesting will be huge.

Reliable source reported that the production of the new Nexus 5 smartphone Google Pixel M will meet the Japanese company Sony. Previously, she never engaged in assembling mobile devices, especially for the “search giant”, but now the Japanese Corporation is going through difficult times. Thanks to the production of Pixel M, Sony will be able to advertise your brand and attract the attention of buyers, who now lacks. Google, in turn, entered into an agreement with Sony will receive an excellent partner producing products of high quality with a low defect rate.

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