Friday, August 12, 2016

Google and Motorola have corrected a problem with LTE on the Nexus 6 – InternetUA

Google and Motorola  have corrected a problem with LTE on the Nexus 6

In this month’s Nexus 6 users encountered the problem, because of which their smartphones was not available LTE. In most cases, an error occurred at the client US operator T-Mobile, but later it turned out that the problem is present, users around the world. Some help change APN settings, and update Google Connectivity Services, but Google and Motorola immediately looked for and correcting mistakes. Now the development team has released a patch that activates the LTE Nexus 6 on the problem.

source of the problem has not been disclosed, but one of Google employees said that the error was related to GPS. Owning a Nexus 6 who have not worked for voice and data transmission in LTE-networks, you must restart your device to activate the hotfix



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