
Google, probably soon will appreciate two new devaysa Nexus. Codenamed Sailfish and Marlin, they will be made by HTC. Many users have already seen the web renders these devices. Now the Internet appeared to render based on previous assumptions about how it may be Nexus Sailfish. These renderings allow more clearly to show the idea of ​​a device that exist for users than the actual “look to the future».

 & # x420; & # x435;  & # x43D; & # x434; & # x435;  & # x440; Nexus S1 (Sailfish)

Considered rendering was created by the user social network Google+ Nimoy Jafari (Nima Jafari). It shows the front part of the HTC Nexus S1 (Sailfish) in a form that corresponds to what is expected to know about the upcoming smartphone today. Earlier there were reports of what may be specifications Nexus Sailfish, if current assumptions about them are true.

Of course, we are not talking about what Nexus Sailfish in reality would be exactly the same as in this render. What would be a novelty, will be known only at the time of the official announcement, which has yet to wait a little longer.

If you look at the render, you can see that the frame devaysa simply depicted in it is huge. He will have a Nexus Launcher with new icons navigation bar (Navigation Bar)

Google, probably unveil new devices Nexus in September 2016 along with another operating system -. Android 7.0 Nougat


at the devices offered on the market, Google, there are many connoisseurs. They are attracted to clean the Android operating system without the software add-ons, which it equipped with devices vendors. However, quite a few users who are satisfied with the offers the company additional software tools.

In addition, each year new Nexus give an idea of ​​what could be the Android-smartphone this season, as they are “out of the box ‘working running the latest Android operating system, updates to users that many other devices will have to wait and perhaps for a long time. Moreover, not all devices in general receive the update to the latest OS.

All of these factors are the main reasons that people look forward to not only the announcement of new the Nexus, but any, even the alleged reports how they will look like and what hardware and software performance will have.

Do you like depicted in the rendering device, would you like to see the Nexus Sailfish that way?

On materials

How will presumably look forward part of Nexus Sailfish (HTC)