Monday, December 1, 2014

Nexus 6 experienced bathing in a bath – Sotovik


… and was even able to be charged under the water.

The powerful 6-inch smartphone-tablet Nexus 6 passes under the label water-resistant, but it is not certified by the system IP, determining the exact parameters of moisture resistance. However, Motorola turned to nano-coating, so that Google-phone is not afraid of swimming.

One of the enthusiasts XDA Developers couple of times Nexus 6 dipped in a bath – the unit survived. Moreover, he could be charged under the water from the wireless power source, and then took a short video from the depth of the home font

Naturally, no one says that with the Nexus 6 can swim or take a shower. Most importantly, if you miss an expensive toy in a puddle, or, God forbid, the toilet, it did not happen.

© Yuri Strel’chenko, SOTOVIK

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